The Great Hunger: From 1845 to 1852, an Gorta Mor - the Great Hunger - drove one million people out of Ireland. This year marks the 175th anniversary of Black '47, the worst year of the Irish famine, when close to one hundred thousand of those refugees arrived on Canada's shores.
Also in this issue: The Working Man's Beer: In an era of prohibition, B.C. politician Thomas Uphill argued that beer is as essential to a worker as milk is to a baby. The province's longest-serving MLA fought tirelessly for the right to enjoy a brew. | Pride & Prejudices: The gossipy and often withering letters of society matron Hannah Jarvis reveal the social dynamics and class conflicts in pre-Confederation Upper Canada. | Living in Harmony: Toronto pianists Ida and Harry Culley tickled the ivories through the musical moments of the early twentieth century.
Regular features: Currents, Books, Album, History Matters.
Plus our annual Summer Reading Guide, a special advertising section with history, fiction, and other books for Canadian readers.