Exploration and Empire: In 1793 fur trader Alexander Mackenzie undertook a perilous and unprecedented journey across the Great Divide.
Also in this issue: Shear Style: From press and curls to Afros and dreadlocks, Black hairstyling has undergone many twists and turns through the decades. | Hair in the Press: Throughout the twentieth century, newspaper and magazine commentators swooned and swore over a panoply of faddish hairstyles. | The Railrodder: Silent-film star Buster Keaton drove the last spike in his movie career with a tragicomic cross-Canada journey. | The Quickening Flavour: First used by the Dene, Slave River salt deposits became a critical resource for HBC fur traders.
Regular features: Currents, Trading Post, Roots, Destinations, Album, Books, History Matters.